
Plurimath supported symbols

Presentation AsciiMath LaTeX UnicodeMath MathML OMML
  • forall
  • AA
  • forall
  • __{AA}
  • forall
  • __{AA}
  • ∀
  • ∀
  • __{sinewave}
  • __{AC}
  • sinewave
  • AC
  • __{sinewave}
  • __{AC}
  • ∿
  • ∿
  • __{accurrent}
  • accurrent
  • __{accurrent}
  • ⏦
  • ⏦
  • __{acidfree}
  • acidfree
  • __{acidfree}
  • ♾
  • ♾
  • __{acute}
  • acute
  • __{acute}
  • ́
  • ́
  • __{acwcirclearrow}
  • acwcirclearrow
  • __{acwcirclearrow}
  • ⥀
  • ⥀
  • __{acwgapcirclearrow}
  • acwgapcirclearrow
  • __{acwgapcirclearrow}
  • ⟲
  • ⟲
  • __{acwleftarcarrow}
  • acwleftarcarrow
  • __{acwleftarcarrow}
  • ⤹
  • ⤹
  • __{acwoverarcarrow}
  • acwoverarcarrow
  • __{acwoverarcarrow}
  • ⤺
  • ⤺
  • __{acwunderarcarrow}
  • acwunderarcarrow
  • __{acwunderarcarrow}
  • ⤻
  • ⤻
  • aleph
  • aleph
  • aleph
  • ℵ
  • ℵ
  • alpha
  • __{upalpha}
  • upalpha
  • alpha
  • alpha
  • __{upalpha}
  • α
  • α
  • __{amalg}
  • amalg
  • __{amalg}
  • ⨿
  • ⨿
  • &
  • __{ampersand}
  • ampersand
  • &
  • __{&}
  • __{ampersand}
  • &
  • &
  • __{anchor}
  • anchor
  • __{anchor}
  • ⚓
  • ⚓
  • __{angdnr}
  • angdnr
  • __{angdnr}
  • ⦟
  • ⦟
  • angle
  • /_
  • __{rightangle}
  • angle
  • __{rightangle}
  • __{/_}
  • rightangle
  • angle
  • __{/_}
  • ∠
  • ∠
  • __{angles}
  • angles
  • __{angles}
  • ⦞
  • ⦞
  • __{angleubar}
  • angleubar
  • __{angleubar}
  • ⦤
  • ⦤
  • __{angmsd}
  • __{measuredangle}
  • measuredangle
  • __{angmsd}
  • angmsd
  • __{measuredangle}
  • ∡
  • ∡
  • __{angrtvb}
  • __{measuredrightangle}
  • measuredrightangle
  • __{angrtvb}
  • angrtvb
  • __{measuredrightangle}
  • ⊾
  • ⊾
  • __{angsph}
  • __{sphericalangle}
  • sphericalangle
  • __{angsph}
  • angsph
  • __{sphericalangle}
  • ∢
  • ∢
  • __{Angstroem}
  • __{Angstrom}
  • Angstroem
  • Angstrom
  • __{Angstroem}
  • __{Angstrom}
  • Å
  • Å
  • __{annuity}
  • annuity
  • __{annuity}
  • ⃧
  • ⃧
  • __{APLboxquestion}
  • APLboxquestion
  • __{APLboxquestion}
  • ⍰
  • ⍰
  • __{APLboxupcaret}
  • APLboxupcaret
  • __{APLboxupcaret}
  • ⍓
  • ⍓
  • __{APLcomment}
  • APLcomment
  • __{APLcomment}
  • ⍝
  • ⍝
  • __{APLdownarrowbox}
  • APLdownarrowbox
  • __{APLdownarrowbox}
  • ⍗
  • ⍗
  • __{APLinput}
  • APLinput
  • __{APLinput}
  • ⍞
  • ⍞
  • __{APLinv}
  • APLinv
  • __{APLinv}
  • ⌹
  • ⌹
  • __{APLleftarrowbox}
  • APLleftarrowbox
  • __{APLleftarrowbox}
  • ⍇
  • ⍇
  • __{APLlog}
  • APLlog
  • __{APLlog}
  • ⍟
  • ⍟
  • __{APLrightarrowbox}
  • APLrightarrowbox
  • __{APLrightarrowbox}
  • ⍈
  • ⍈
  • __{APLuparrowbox}
  • APLuparrowbox
  • __{APLuparrowbox}
  • ⍐
  • ⍐
  • __{gtrsim}
  • __{apprge}
  • gtrsim
  • apprge
  • gtrsim
  • __{apprge}
  • ≳
  • ≳
  • __{lesssim}
  • __{apprle}
  • lesssim
  • apprle
  • lesssim
  • __{apprle}
  • ≲
  • ≲
  • approx
  • ~~
  • approx
  • __{~~}
  • approx
  • __{~~}
  • ≈
  • ≈
  • __{approxeq}
  • approxeq
  • approxeq
  • ≊
  • ≊
  • __{approxeqq}
  • approxeqq
  • __{approxeqq}
  • ⩰
  • ⩰
  • __{approxident}
  • approxident
  • __{approxident}
  • ≋
  • ≋
  • __{aquarius}
  • aquarius
  • __{aquarius}
  • ♒
  • ♒
  • __{arceq}
  • arceq
  • __{arceq}
  • ≘
  • ≘
  • __{aries}
  • __{Aries}
  • aries
  • Aries
  • __{aries}
  • __{Aries}
  • ♈
  • ♈
  • __{arrowbullet}
  • arrowbullet
  • __{arrowbullet}
  • ➢
  • ➢
  • __{assert}
  • assert
  • __{assert}
  • ⊦
  • ⊦
  • **
  • ast
  • ast
  • __{**}
  • ast
  • __{**}
  • ∗
  • ∗
  • __{asteq}
  • asteq
  • __{asteq}
  • ⩮
  • ⩮
  • __{asteraccent}
  • asteraccent
  • __{asteraccent}
  • ⃰
  • ⃰
  • __{asymp}
  • asymp
  • asymp
  • ≍
  • ≍
  • __{atsign}
  • __{@}
  • atsign
  • @
  • __{atsign}
  • __{@}
  • @
  • @
  • __{awint}
  • awint
  • __{awint}
  • ⨑
  • ⨑
  • __{backcong}
  • backcong
  • __{backcong}
  • ≌
  • ≌
  • __{backdprime}
  • backdprime
  • __{backdprime}
  • ‶
  • ‶
  • __{upbackepsilon}
  • __{backepsilon}
  • upbackepsilon
  • backepsilon
  • __{upbackepsilon}
  • __{backepsilon}
  • ϶
  • ϶
  • __{backprime}
  • backprime
  • __{backprime}
  • ‵
  • ‵
  • __{backsim}
  • backsim
  • backsim
  • ∽
  • ∽
  • __{backsimeq}
  • backsimeq
  • backsimeq
  • ⋍
  • ⋍
  • backslash
  • \
  • backslash
  • __{\}
  • __{backslash}
  • __{\}
  • \
  • \
  • __{backtrprime}
  • backtrprime
  • __{backtrprime}
  • ‷
  • ‷
  • __{bagmember}
  • bagmember
  • __{bagmember}
  • ⋿
  • ⋿
  • __{ballotx}
  • ballotx
  • __{ballotx}
  • ✗
  • ✗
  • ¯
  • ¯
  • ¯
  • ¯
  • ¯
  • __{barcap}
  • barcap
  • __{barcap}
  • ⩃
  • ⩃
  • __{barcup}
  • barcup
  • __{barcup}
  • ⩂
  • ⩂
  • __{varisinobar}
  • __{barin}
  • varisinobar
  • barin
  • __{varisinobar}
  • __{barin}
  • ⋶
  • ⋶
  • __{LeftArrowBar}
  • __{barleftarrow}
  • LeftArrowBar
  • barleftarrow
  • __{LeftArrowBar}
  • __{barleftarrow}
  • ⇤
  • ⇤
  • __{barleftarrowrightarrowba}
  • barleftarrowrightarrowba
  • __{barleftarrowrightarrowba}
  • ↹
  • ↹
  • __{dashleftharpoondown}
  • __{barleftharpoon}
  • dashleftharpoondown
  • barleftharpoon
  • __{dashleftharpoondown}
  • __{barleftharpoon}
  • ⥫
  • ⥫
  • __{barovernorthwestarrow}
  • barovernorthwestarrow
  • __{barovernorthwestarrow}
  • ↸
  • ↸
  • __{barrightarrowdiamond}
  • barrightarrowdiamond
  • __{barrightarrowdiamond}
  • ⤠
  • ⤠
  • __{dashrightharpoondown}
  • __{barrightharpoon}
  • dashrightharpoondown
  • barrightharpoon
  • __{dashrightharpoondown}
  • __{barrightharpoon}
  • ⥭
  • ⥭
  • __{UpArrowBar}
  • __{baruparrow}
  • UpArrowBar
  • baruparrow
  • __{UpArrowBar}
  • __{baruparrow}
  • ⤒
  • ⤒
  • __{Barv}
  • Barv
  • __{Barv}
  • ⫧
  • ⫧
  • __{barvee}
  • barvee
  • __{barvee}
  • ⊽
  • ⊽
  • __{barwedge}
  • barwedge
  • __{barwedge}
  • ⊼
  • ⊼
  • __{bbrktbrk}
  • bbrktbrk
  • __{bbrktbrk}
  • ⎶
  • ⎶
  • __{bdtriplevdash}
  • bdtriplevdash
  • __{bdtriplevdash}
  • ┆
  • ┆
  • because
  • :'
  • because
  • __{:'}
  • because
  • __{:'}
  • ∵
  • ∵
  • __{benzenr}
  • benzenr
  • __{benzenr}
  • ⏣
  • ⏣
  • __{beth}
  • beth
  • beth
  • ℶ
  • ℶ
  • __{between}
  • between
  • between
  • ≬
  • ≬
  • __{bigblacktriangledown}
  • bigblacktriangledown
  • __{bigblacktriangledown}
  • ▼
  • ▼
  • __{bigblacktriangleup}
  • bigblacktriangleup
  • __{bigblacktriangleup}
  • ▲
  • ▲
  • __{bigbot}
  • bigbot
  • __{bigbot}
  • ⟘
  • ⟘
  • __{bigcupdot}
  • bigcupdot
  • __{bigcupdot}
  • ⨃
  • ⨃
  • __{biginterleave}
  • biginterleave
  • __{biginterleave}
  • ⫼
  • ⫼
  • __{bigodot}
  • bigodot
  • __{bigodot}
  • ⨀
  • ⨀
  • __{bigoplus}
  • bigoplus
  • __{bigoplus}
  • ⨁
  • ⨁
  • __{bigotimes}
  • bigotimes
  • __{bigotimes}
  • ⨂
  • ⨂
  • __{bigslopedvee}
  • bigslopedvee
  • __{bigslopedvee}
  • ⩗
  • ⩗
  • __{bigslopedwedge}
  • bigslopedwedge
  • __{bigslopedwedge}
  • ⩘
  • ⩘
  • __{bigsqcap}
  • bigsqcap
  • __{bigsqcap}
  • ⨅
  • ⨅
  • __{bigsqcup}
  • bigsqcup
  • __{bigsqcup}
  • ⨆
  • ⨆
  • __{bigstar}
  • bigstar
  • __{bigstar}
  • ★
  • ★
  • __{bigtalloblong}
  • bigtalloblong
  • __{bigtalloblong}
  • ⫿
  • ⫿
  • __{bigtop}
  • bigtop
  • __{bigtop}
  • ⟙
  • ⟙
  • __{bigtriangledown}
  • bigtriangledown
  • __{bigtriangledown}
  • ▽
  • ▽
  • __{bigtriangleleft}
  • bigtriangleleft
  • __{bigtriangleleft}
  • ⨞
  • ⨞
  • triangle
  • /_\
  • __{bigtriangleup}
  • bigtriangleup
  • triangle
  • __{/_\}
  • triangle
  • __{/_\}
  • __{bigtriangleup}
  • △
  • △
  • __{biguplus}
  • biguplus
  • __{biguplus}
  • ⨄
  • ⨄
  • bigwedge
  • ^^^
  • bigwedge
  • __{^^^}
  • bigwedge
  • __{^^^}
  • ⋀
  • ⋀
  • __{bigwhitestar}
  • bigwhitestar
  • __{bigwhitestar}
  • ☆
  • ☆
  • twoheadrightarrowtail
  • >->>
  • __{bij}
  • twoheadrightarrowtail
  • bij
  • __{>->>}
  • __{twoheadrightarrowtail}
  • __{>->>}
  • __{bij}
  • ⤖
  • ⤖
  • __{biohazard}
  • biohazard
  • __{biohazard}
  • ☣
  • ☣
  • __{blackcircledownarrow}
  • blackcircledownarrow
  • __{blackcircledownarrow}
  • ⧭
  • ⧭
  • __{blackcircledrightdot}
  • blackcircledrightdot
  • __{blackcircledrightdot}
  • ⚈
  • ⚈
  • __{blackcircledtwodots}
  • blackcircledtwodots
  • __{blackcircledtwodots}
  • ⚉
  • ⚉
  • __{blackcircleulquadwhite}
  • blackcircleulquadwhite
  • __{blackcircleulquadwhite}
  • ◕
  • ◕
  • __{blackdiamonddownarrow}
  • blackdiamonddownarrow
  • __{blackdiamonddownarrow}
  • ⧪
  • ⧪
  • __{blackhourglass}
  • blackhourglass
  • __{blackhourglass}
  • ⧗
  • ⧗
  • __{blackinwhitediamond}
  • blackinwhitediamond
  • __{blackinwhitediamond}
  • ◈
  • ◈
  • __{blackinwhitesquare}
  • blackinwhitesquare
  • __{blackinwhitesquare}
  • ▣
  • ▣
  • __{mdlgblklozenge}
  • __{blacklozenge}
  • mdlgblklozenge
  • blacklozenge
  • __{mdlgblklozenge}
  • __{blacklozenge}
  • ⧫
  • ⧫
  • __{blackpointerleft}
  • blackpointerleft
  • __{blackpointerleft}
  • ◄
  • ◄
  • __{blackpointerright}
  • blackpointerright
  • __{blackpointerright}
  • ►
  • ►
  • __{invsmileface}
  • __{blacksmiley}
  • invsmileface
  • blacksmiley
  • __{invsmileface}
  • __{blacksmiley}
  • ☻
  • ☻
  • __{blacktriangleup}
  • __{blacktriangle}
  • blacktriangleup
  • blacktriangle
  • __{blacktriangleup}
  • __{blacktriangle}
  • ▴
  • ▴
  • __{blacktriangledown}
  • blacktriangledown
  • __{blacktriangledown}
  • ▾
  • ▾
  • __{blkhorzoval}
  • blkhorzoval
  • __{blkhorzoval}
  • ⬬
  • ⬬
  • __{blkvertoval}
  • blkvertoval
  • __{blkvertoval}
  • ⬮
  • ⬮
  • __{blockfull}
  • blockfull
  • __{blockfull}
  • █
  • █
  • __{blockhalfshaded}
  • blockhalfshaded
  • __{blockhalfshaded}
  • ▒
  • ▒
  • __{blocklefthalf}
  • blocklefthalf
  • __{blocklefthalf}
  • ▌
  • ▌
  • __{blocklowhalf}
  • blocklowhalf
  • __{blocklowhalf}
  • ▄
  • ▄
  • __{blockqtrshaded}
  • blockqtrshaded
  • __{blockqtrshaded}
  • ░
  • ░
  • __{blockrighthalf}
  • blockrighthalf
  • __{blockrighthalf}
  • ▐
  • ▐
  • __{blockthreeqtrshaded}
  • blockthreeqtrshaded
  • __{blockthreeqtrshaded}
  • ▓
  • ▓
  • __{blockuphalf}
  • blockuphalf
  • __{blockuphalf}
  • ▀
  • ▀
  • __{bNot}
  • bNot
  • __{bNot}
  • ⫭
  • ⫭
  • __{Vbar}
  • __{Perp}
  • __{Bot}
  • Vbar
  • Perp
  • Bot
  • __{Vbar}
  • __{Perp}
  • __{Bot}
  • ⫫
  • ⫫
  • __{botsemicircle}
  • botsemicircle
  • __{botsemicircle}
  • ◡
  • ◡
  • bowtie
  • |><|
  • __{lrtimes}
  • lrtimes
  • bowtie
  • __{|><|}
  • bowtie
  • __{|><|}
  • __{lrtimes}
  • &#x22c8;
  • &#x22c8;
  • square
  • __{box}
  • __{mdlgwhtsquare}
  • mdlgwhtsquare
  • __{box}
  • __{square}
  • box
  • __{square}
  • __{mdlgwhtsquare}
  • &#x25a1;
  • &#x25a1;
  • __{boxast}
  • boxast
  • __{boxast}
  • &#x29c6;
  • &#x29c6;
  • __{boxbar}
  • boxbar
  • __{boxbar}
  • &#x25eb;
  • &#x25eb;
  • __{boxbox}
  • boxbox
  • __{boxbox}
  • &#x29c8;
  • &#x29c8;
  • __{boxbslash}
  • boxbslash
  • __{boxbslash}
  • &#x29c5;
  • &#x29c5;
  • __{boxcircle}
  • boxcircle
  • __{boxcircle}
  • &#x29c7;
  • &#x29c7;
  • __{boxslash}
  • __{boxdiag}
  • boxslash
  • boxdiag
  • __{boxslash}
  • __{boxdiag}
  • &#x29c4;
  • &#x29c4;
  • __{boxdot}
  • boxdot
  • boxdot
  • &#x22a1;
  • &#x22a1;
  • __{boxminus}
  • boxminus
  • boxminus
  • &#x229f;
  • &#x229f;
  • __{boxonbox}
  • boxonbox
  • __{boxonbox}
  • &#x29c9;
  • &#x29c9;
  • __{boxplus}
  • boxplus
  • boxplus
  • &#x229e;
  • &#x229e;
  • __{boxtimes}
  • boxtimes
  • boxtimes
  • &#x22a0;
  • &#x22a0;
  • __{breve}
  • breve
  • __{breve}
  • &#x306;
  • &#x306;
  • __{bsimilarleftarrow}
  • bsimilarleftarrow
  • __{bsimilarleftarrow}
  • &#x2b41;
  • &#x2b41;
  • __{bsimilarrightarrow}
  • bsimilarrightarrow
  • __{bsimilarrightarrow}
  • &#x2b47;
  • &#x2b47;
  • __{bsolhsub}
  • bsolhsub
  • __{bsolhsub}
  • &#x27c8;
  • &#x27c8;
  • __{btimes}
  • btimes
  • __{btimes}
  • &#x2a32;
  • &#x2a32;
  • __{bullet}
  • __{vysmblkcircle}
  • vysmblkcircle
  • __{bullet}
  • bullet
  • __{vysmblkcircle}
  • &#x2219;
  • &#x2219;
  • __{bullseye}
  • bullseye
  • __{bullseye}
  • &#x25ce;
  • &#x25ce;
  • __{bumpeq}
  • bumpeq
  • bumpeq
  • &#x224f;
  • &#x224f;
  • __{bumpeqq}
  • bumpeqq
  • __{bumpeqq}
  • &#x2aae;
  • &#x2aae;
  • __{uplus}
  • __{buni}
  • uplus
  • buni
  • uplus
  • __{buni}
  • &#x228e;
  • &#x228e;
  • __{cancer}
  • cancer
  • __{cancer}
  • &#x264b;
  • &#x264b;
  • __{candra}
  • candra
  • __{candra}
  • &#x310;
  • &#x310;
  • cap
  • cap
  • cap
  • &#x2229;
  • &#x2229;
  • __{capbarcup}
  • capbarcup
  • __{capbarcup}
  • &#x2a49;
  • &#x2a49;
  • __{capdot}
  • capdot
  • __{capdot}
  • &#x2a40;
  • &#x2a40;
  • __{capovercup}
  • capovercup
  • __{capovercup}
  • &#x2a47;
  • &#x2a47;
  • __{capricornus}
  • capricornus
  • __{capricornus}
  • &#x2651;
  • &#x2651;
  • __{capwedge}
  • capwedge
  • __{capwedge}
  • &#x2a44;
  • &#x2a44;
  • __{caretinsert}
  • caretinsert
  • __{caretinsert}
  • &#x2038;
  • &#x2038;
  • __{carriagereturn}
  • carriagereturn
  • __{carriagereturn}
  • &#x21b5;
  • &#x21b5;
  • __{tieconcat}
  • __{cat}
  • tieconcat
  • cat
  • __{tieconcat}
  • __{cat}
  • &#x2040;
  • &#x2040;
  • __{CC}
  • CC
  • __{CC}
  • &#x2102;
  • &#x2102;
  • __{ccwundercurvearrow}
  • ccwundercurvearrow
  • __{ccwundercurvearrow}
  • &#x293f;
  • &#x293f;
  • cdot
  • *
  • cdot
  • __{*}
  • cdot
  • __{*}
  • &#x22c5;
  • &#x22c5;
  • __{cdotp}
  • cdotp
  • __{cdotp}
  • &#xb7;
  • &#xb7;
  • cdots
  • __{unicodecdots}
  • unicodecdots
  • cdots
  • __{cdots}
  • __{unicodecdots}
  • &#x22ef;
  • &#x22ef;
  • __{mathcent}
  • __{cent}
  • mathcent
  • cent
  • __{mathcent}
  • __{cent}
  • &#xa2;
  • &#xa2;
  • __{check}
  • check
  • __{check}
  • &#x30c;
  • &#x30c;
  • __{CheckedBox}
  • CheckedBox
  • __{CheckedBox}
  • &#x2611;
  • &#x2611;
  • __{ballotcheck}
  • __{checkmark}
  • ballotcheck
  • checkmark
  • __{ballotcheck}
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  • Eulerconst
  • Euler
  • __{Eulerconst}
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  • &#x2107;
  • &#x2107;
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  • euro
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  • &#x21;
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  • EE
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  • exists
  • exi
  • __{EE}
  • exists
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  • __{exi}
  • &#x2203;
  • &#x2203;
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  • bot
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  • &#x292c;
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  • &#x21fb;
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  • &#x2132;
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  • __{fisheye}
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  • Game
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  • &#x2141;
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  • gamma
  • gamma
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  • ge
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  • geq
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  • &#x2265;
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  • __{Gemini}
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  • Gemini
  • __{gemini}
  • __{Gemini}
  • &#x264a;
  • &#x264a;
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  • ge
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  • geq
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  • &#x2265;
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  • &#x2267;
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  • &gt;
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  • &gt;
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  • __{gt}
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  • &#x2a90;
  • >
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  • &gt;
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  • greater
  • >
  • &gt;
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  • &gt;
  • __{>}
  • __{gt}
  • __{greater}
  • &gt;
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  • &#x2a8c;
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  • GreaterLess
  • gtrless
  • gtrless
  • __{GreaterLess}
  • &#x2277;
  • &#x2277;
  • Leftrightarrow
  • <=>
  • hArr
  • iff
  • Leftrightarrow
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  • &#x22d5;
  • ^
  • ^
  • ^
  • ^
  • ^
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  • &#x2a6f;
  • &#x2a6f;
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  • hslash
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  • &#x210f;
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  • __{hearsuit}
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  • Hermaphrodite
  • __{Hermaphrodite}
  • &#x26a5;
  • &#x26a5;
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  • &#x2015;
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  • hourglass
  • __{hourglass}
  • &#x29d6;
  • &#x29d6;
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  • __{house}
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  • if
  • if
  • if
  • if
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  • __{iff}
  • iff
  • __{longrightsquigarrow}
  • &#x27ff;
  • &#x27ff;
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  • __{ComplexI}
  • ComplexI
  • ii
  • ii
  • __{ComplexI}
  • &#x2148;
  • &#x2148;
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  • iiiint
  • __{iiiint}
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  • &#x222d;
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  • Jupiter
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  • lambda
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  • &#x3bb;
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  • Leo
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  • __{Leo}
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  • &#x264c;
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  • le
  • __{leq}
  • leq
  • le
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  • leq
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  • &#x2264;
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  • &lt;
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  • &lt;
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  • &#x27fd;
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  • __{Longmapsto}
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  • &#x27fe;
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  • &#x2906;
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  • &#x21a5;
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  • Mars
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  • __{Mercury}
  • &#x263f;
  • &#x263f;
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  • mho
  • Mho
  • __{mho}
  • __{Mho}
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  • &#x2127;
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  • mp
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  • mu
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  • &#x3bc;
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  • &#x2249;
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  • nasymp
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  • &#x226d;
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  • &#x266e;
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  • &#x21d7;
  • &#x21d7;
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  • not
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  • &#x2646;
  • &#x2646;
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  • ne
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  • ne
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  • &#x2260;
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  • &#x2271;
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  • &#x226f;
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  • ni
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  • &#x21ce;
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  • &#x2270;
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  • &#x2274;
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  • &#x2115;
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  • notni
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  • &#x220c;
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  • &#x22c2;
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  • &#x2340;
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  • notin
  • nin
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  • &#x3c9;
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  • &#x221e;
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  • &#x29b9;
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  • oplus
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  • oplus
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  • &#x2295;
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  • &#x2a37;
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  • &#x2297;
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  • &#x25b0;
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  • &#x25;
  • .
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  • period
  • .
  • .
  • __{period}
  • .
  • .
  • _|_
  • bot
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  • bot
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  • bot
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  • varphi
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  • &#x3c6;
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  • pi
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  • &#x3c0;
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  • &#x2653;
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  • pitchfork
  • pitchfork
  • &#x22d4;
  • &#x22d4;
  • __{Planckconst}
  • Planckconst
  • __{Planckconst}
  • &#x210e;
  • &#x210e;
  • +
  • __{plus}
  • plus
  • +
  • +
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  • +
  • +
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  • &#x2a25;
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  • &#x2a28;
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  • Pluto
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  • __{Pluto}
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  • &#x2647;
  • +-
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  • pm
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  • pm
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  • &#x2033;
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  • &#x227c;
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  • &#x2ab7;
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  • precsim
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  • '
  • prime
  • '
  • prime
  • '
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  • &#x221d;
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  • PropertyLine
  • __{PropertyLine}
  • &#x214a;
  • &#x214a;
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  • psi
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  • &#x2669;
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  • &#x225f;
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  • question
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  • ?
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  • &#x3f;
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  • radiation
  • __{radiation}
  • &#x2622;
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  • __{rAngle}
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  • &#x27eb;
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  • &#x221d;
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  • Rbag
  • rbag
  • __{Rbag}
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  • &#x27c6;
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  • &#x23a6;
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  • Rdsh
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  • rdsh
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  • &#x21b3;
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  • Re
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  • &#x211c;
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  • &#x267b;
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  • &#x2b43;
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  • &#x21c1;
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  • &#x2968;
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  • &#x21dd;
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  • &#x295b;
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  • &#x294f;
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  • &#x295c;
  • &#x295c;
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  • &#x2954;
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  • &#x21e8;
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  • &#x30a;
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  • &#x2a22;
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  • risingdotseq
  • &#x2253;
  • &#x2253;
  • __{rightleftharpoons}
  • __{rlhar}
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  • equilibrium
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  • rightleftharpoons
  • rlhar
  • __{equilibrium}
  • &#x21cc;
  • &#x21cc;
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  • &#x29;
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  • &#x23a0;
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  • Rparenless
  • __{Rparenless}
  • &#x2996;
  • &#x2996;
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  • &#x239e;
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  • &#x2a12;
  • __{RR}
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  • &#x211d;
  • &#x211d;
  • __{RRightarrow}
  • RRightarrow
  • __{RRightarrow}
  • &#x2b46;
  • &#x2b46;
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  • Rsh
  • __{Rsh}
  • &#x21b1;
  • &#x21b1;
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  • &#x2a65;
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  • rtimes
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  • rtimes
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  • &#x22ca;
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  • &#x23b9;
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  • __{rVert}
  • parallel
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  • rVert
  • __{parallel}
  • __{lVert}
  • __{rVert}
  • &#x2225;
  • &#x2225;
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  • Rvzigzag
  • __{Rvzigzag}
  • &#x29db;
  • &#x29db;
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  • __{sadface}
  • frownie
  • sadface
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  • &#x2639;
  • &#x2639;
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  • sagittarius
  • __{sagittarius}
  • &#x2650;
  • &#x2650;
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  • __{Same}
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  • Same
  • __{eqeqeq}
  • __{Same}
  • &#x2a76;
  • &#x2a76;
  • __{upsampi}
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  • sansLturned
  • __{sansLturned}
  • &#x2142;
  • &#x2142;
  • __{saturn}
  • __{Saturn}
  • saturn
  • Saturn
  • __{saturn}
  • __{Saturn}
  • &#x2644;
  • &#x2644;
  • __{scorpio}
  • __{Scorpio}
  • scorpio
  • Scorpio
  • __{scorpio}
  • __{Scorpio}
  • &#x264f;
  • &#x264f;
  • __{scpolint}
  • scpolint
  • __{scpolint}
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  • &#x2a13;
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  • __{Searrow}
  • &#x21d8;
  • &#x21d8;
  • ''
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  • &#x2033;
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  • semicolon
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  • shuffle
  • __{shuffle}
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  • sigma
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  • upsigma
  • sigma
  • sigma
  • __{upsigma}
  • &#x3c3;
  • &#x3c3;
  • __{sim}
  • sim
  • sim
  • &#x223c;
  • &#x223c;
  • __{simeq}
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  • simeq
  • &#x2243;
  • &#x2243;
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  • simgE
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  • &#x2aa0;
  • &#x2aa0;
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  • &#x2a6c;
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  • simneqq
  • __{simneqq}
  • &#x2246;
  • &#x2246;
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  • simplus
  • __{simplus}
  • &#x2a24;
  • &#x2a24;
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  • simrdots
  • __{simrdots}
  • &#x2a6b;
  • &#x2a6b;
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  • sixteenthnote
  • __{sixteenthnote}
  • &#x266c;
  • &#x266c;
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  • &#x2620;
  • &#x2620;
  • //
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  • &#x3c4;
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  • Taurus
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  • __{Taurus}
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  • &#x2649;
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  • Micro
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  • &#xb5;
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  • &#x2126;
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  • :.
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  • therefore
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  • &#x391;
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  • Cap
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  • &#x22d2;
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  • &#x2145;
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  • Delta
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  • &#x394;
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  • &#x2263;
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  • Gamma
  • Gamma
  • __{upGamma}
  • &#x393;
  • &#x393;
  • Lambda
  • __{upLambda}
  • upLambda
  • Lambda
  • Lambda
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  • &#x39b;
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  • &#x2907;
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  • __{UpcaseupOmega}
  • &#x3a9;
  • &#x3a9;
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  • Phi
  • Phi
  • __{upPhi}
  • &#x3a6;
  • &#x3a6;
  • Pi
  • __{upPi}
  • upPi
  • Pi
  • Pi
  • __{upPi}
  • &#x3a0;
  • &#x3a0;
  • Psi
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  • Psi
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  • Sigma
  • Sigma
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  • &#x3a3;
  • &#x3a3;
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  • Theta
  • Theta
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  • &#x398;
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  • Xi
  • Xi
  • __{upXi}
  • &#x39e;
  • &#x39e;
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  • &#x39a;
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  • &#x39c;
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  • vrectangle
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  • vrectangleblack
  • __{vrectangleblack}
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  • &#x25ae;
  • vee
  • vv
  • __{lor}
  • vee
  • lor
  • __{vv}
  • lor
  • __{vee}
  • __{vv}
  • &#x2228;
  • &#x2228;
  • __{Vvdash}
  • Vvdash
  • Vvdash
  • &#x22aa;
  • &#x22aa;
  • bigvee
  • vvv
  • bigvee
  • __{vvv}
  • bigvee
  • __{vvv}
  • &#x22c1;
  • &#x22c1;
  • __{bullet}
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  • vysmblkcircle
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  • bullet
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  • vysmblksquare
  • __{vysmblksquare}
  • &#x2b1d;
  • &#x2b1d;
  • circ
  • @
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  • vysmwhtcircle
  • circ
  • __{@}
  • circ
  • __{@}
  • __{vysmwhtcircle}
  • &#x2218;
  • &#x2218;
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  • vysmwhtsquare
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  • vzigzag
  • __{vzigzag}
  • &#x299a;
  • &#x299a;
  • __{warning}
  • warning
  • __{warning}
  • &#x26a0;
  • &#x26a0;
  • therefore
  • :.
  • __{wasytherefore}
  • wasytherefore
  • therefore
  • __{:.}
  • therefore
  • __{:.}
  • __{wasytherefore}
  • &#x2234;
  • &#x2234;
  • wedge
  • ^^
  • __{land}
  • wedge
  • land
  • __{^^}
  • wedge
  • __{^^}
  • __{land}
  • &#x2227;
  • &#x2227;
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  • wedgebar
  • __{wedgebar}
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  • &#x2a5f;
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  • __{wedgedot}
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  • &#x2a60;
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  • wedgemidvert
  • __{wedgemidvert}
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  • &#x2a5a;
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  • wedgeodot
  • __{wedgeodot}
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  • &#x2a51;
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  • wedgeonwedge
  • __{wedgeonwedge}
  • &#x2a55;
  • &#x2a55;
  • __{whitearrowupfrombar}
  • whitearrowupfrombar
  • __{whitearrowupfrombar}
  • &#x21ea;
  • &#x21ea;
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  • whiteinwhitetriangle
  • __{whiteinwhitetriangle}
  • &#x27c1;
  • &#x27c1;
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  • whitepointerleft
  • __{whitepointerleft}
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  • whitepointerright
  • __{whitepointerright}
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  • &#x25bb;
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  • whitesquaretickright
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  • &#x2b2d;
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  • whtvertoval
  • __{whtvertoval}
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  • &#x2b2f;
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  • wideangledown
  • __{wideangledown}
  • &#x29a6;
  • &#x29a6;
  • __{wideangleup}
  • wideangleup
  • __{wideangleup}
  • &#x29a7;
  • &#x29a7;
  • __{widebridgeabove}
  • widebridgeabove
  • __{widebridgeabove}
  • &#x20e9;
  • &#x20e9;
  • __{overparen}
  • __{wideparen}
  • overparen
  • wideparen
  • __{overparen}
  • __{wideparen}
  • &#x23dc;
  • &#x23dc;
  • __{wp}
  • wp
  • wp
  • &#x2118;
  • &#x2118;
  • __{wr}
  • wr
  • wr
  • &#x2240;
  • &#x2240;
  • __{XBox}
  • XBox
  • __{XBox}
  • &#x2612;
  • &#x2612;
  • xi
  • __{upxi}
  • upxi
  • xi
  • xi
  • __{upxi}
  • &#x3be;
  • &#x3be;
  • __{xsol}
  • xsol
  • __{xsol}
  • &#x29f8;
  • &#x29f8;
  • times
  • xx
  • times
  • __{xx}
  • times
  • __{xx}
  • &#xd7;
  • &#xd7;
  • __{yen}
  • yen
  • __{yen}
  • &#xa5;
  • &#xa5;
  • __{yinyang}
  • yinyang
  • __{yinyang}
  • &#x262f;
  • &#x262f;
  • __{Yup}
  • Yup
  • __{Yup}
  • &#x2144;
  • &#x2144;
  • __{Zbar}
  • Zbar
  • __{Zbar}
  • &#x1b5;
  • &#x1b5;
  • zeta
  • __{upzeta}
  • upzeta
  • zeta
  • zeta
  • __{upzeta}
  • &#x3b6;
  • &#x3b6;
  • __{zpipe}
  • zpipe
  • __{zpipe}
  • &#x2a20;
  • &#x2a20;
  • __{zwnj}
  • __{zwnj}
  • zwnj
  • &#x200c;
  • &#x200c;
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  • __{zwsp}
  • zwsp
  • &#x200b;
  • &#x200b;
  • __{ZZ}
  • ZZ
  • __{ZZ}
  • &#x2124;
  • &#x2124;